1st Grade

Photo of Cathy Chamberlain

Mrs. Cathy Chamberlain

I am the author of one crazy life! My sweet husband brought me to Tennessee from Arkansas many years ago. My kids are very energetic and currently take part in many sports and extra curricular activities. We have a Weimaraner who is the biggest, energetic puppy who thinks she is a lap dog. During quarantine Spring Break we decided to get English Angoras. I am fortunate to have spent my whole career at Lanier.

BookBuddy (1).htm

Photo of Beth Dirmeyer

Mrs. Beth Dirmeyer

My name is Beth Dirmeyer, and I have taught kindergarten, first, and second grade at Lanier. I am married and we have 3 children. We also have many animals.

Photo of Denny Moore

Ms. Denny Moore

I’ve taught kindergarten, transition, and first grade at Lanier. I love first grade the most.  I also have a wonderful dog. He’s my fur baby.  


BookBuddy (3).pdf

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MOORE Online Resources.pdf